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Interviewing for a New Post


Only this time I was assessing the candidates. I learnt alot yesterday, and here are perhaps some of the more poignant reflections.


Outside of our control the Head brought forward the interview date. This posed significant organisational and logistic problems, most of which were overcome. Second, I would have felt much more comfortable having set questions agreed well in advance, but I also learnt that there are key questions required for good practice such as ‘Is there anything further you wish to offer in support of your application, that you have not been given the opportunity to do so, during your interview today?’ Second, I had created an ICT skills audit form in advance but in the morning rush, I did not ask the applicants to fill it in! I will be passing this form onto the Head for future subject interviews thats for sure as well as stressing the need for ICT literate staff.

The Interview Day

The feedback received from a 30 minute micro teach was sufficient for senior staff to gauge the applicants teaching confidence. I wonder if others agree or disagree. As an applicant I might disagree, but as a middle leader, I was comfortable with the outcomes attained.

So to the point of the post, from experiencing the viewpoint of the interviewer, I am now significantly more aware of the impact a positive interview can have, (since the interviews, I have reflected of my own interview techniques, and was very self critical). I would implore all ITT training courses to permit students the opportunity to not only be interviewed, but to be the interviewer! The ability to contrast multiply candidates on the same questions, significantly impacted on my understanding of the components of a “positive interview.” This may then be a lengthy process but high recommended. A thoughtfully designed “interview technique” morning would be viable? Wouldnt it? I was  so surprised at the significant contrasts portrayed and how each question revealed!

So the best question asked?

“Tell me about a new technology that you have leanrt recently and how you learnt it.”

Part b

“How would you share this learning / knowledge with your team!

To see which candidates eyes lit up when given the opportunity to share their learning experience was the first learning point. To then listen to see who could, and how, they then shared this knowledge was revealing. As noted the contrasts were significant.

To end, are you still a firm candidate for this blog?

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